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About Concreit

Concreit is a company that is focused on addressing the wealth gap by providing access to wealth-building opportunities in real estate. We believe that private wealth management often overlooks everyday investors and caters only to the ultra-rich 1%. However, real estate has proven to be a powerful wealth-building tool, with over 256 billionaires in the world having made their fortunes in this industry, and 90% of millionaires investing in it.

We recognize that the recipe for real estate riches is not found on Netflix or publicly traded REITs, and that access to the strategies used by the wealthy 1% is often difficult for everyday investors to come by. That is why Concreit is on a mission to bridge this gap by offering a new way for everyday investors to access these traditionally hard-to-reach opportunities. By providing access to the same strategies used by the wealthy, Concreit aims to empower everyday investors to build wealth and close the wealth gap.